Jon Muscaty

Jon Muscaty studied at the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy. He is a fully qualified Osteopath, Naturopath and Reflexologist. Training for Osteopathy is similar to that for a medical degree with more emphasis on anatomy and musculoskeletal medicine. After completing his 4 year training in 1993, he started work at the Cheddar Medical Centre and still has a practice there today. His broad training allows for a particularly holistic approach that will try to determine where the underlying reason for the symptoms originates – whether that be mechanical, internal, dietary, environmental etc.

He is a registered member of :

  • the Institute of Osteopathy (,
  • the General Council and Register of Naturopaths (
  • the GOsC.

Established by Act of Parliament, the General Osteopathic Council exists to protect patients by promoting excellence in osteopathic care. Only those who have demonstrated safe and competent practice and are thereby admitted to its statutory register will, after 9 May 2000, be allowed to call themselves osteopaths and practice as such.